Daejeon(대전시) Mayor Lee Jang-woo (이장우) expands the network and cooperation in the field of scientific and economic cooperation
Daejeon(대전시) Mayor Lee Jang-woo (이장우) expands the network and cooperation in the field of scientific and economic cooperation
  • weekly, walkintoKorea
  • 승인 2024.06.26 00:00
  • 댓글 0
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These overseas business trips to the US and Canada are economic missions to become a first-class economic city

From the 23rd to the 29th, Daejeon Mayor Lee Jang-woo is going on an overseas business trip for 5 nights and 7 days, visiting Montgomery County and Seattle (U.S) and Calgary (Canada).

This overseas business trip will be accompanied by an economic delegation composed of business representatives from bio, information, and communication industries to help local companies advance into the U.S., and will provide networking opportunities with overseas companies.

As the first part of the business trip, Daejeon Mayor Lee Jang-woo and the economic delegation will visit Montgomery County, a sister city of Daejeon and known as America's ‘DNA Valley’. Last May, Montgomery County Mayor Mark Elrich and an economic delegation visited Daejeon and signed an agreement that Montgomery County would provide incentives when Daejeon companies enter the United States.

Mayor Lee Jang-woo said, “Exchanges with overseas sister cities are not just cultural exchanges, but practical exchanges that can produce results in various fields such as economics, science, and universities for the growth of local governments are needed”, adding, “In the future, companies in Daejeon will continue to expand overseas. We will make our name known and strive to pioneer the market”.


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