The Chungcheong 2027 FISU World University Games (2027 충청 세계U대회): FISU inspection team successfully completes 2nd inspection visit

From May 20th to 24th, the International University Sports Federation (FISU) inspection team completed the inspection schedule for the event.

2024-05-25     weekly, walkintoKorea

From May 20th to 24th, the International University Sports Federation (FISU) inspection team completed the inspection schedule for the event. The main purpose of this inspection was to report and discuss the overall plan, check progress in each major functional area, conduct sports and venue seminars, and visit major venues and athletes' villages.

On the 20th, the FISU inspection team arrived at Incheon Airport to start their schedule. In particular, on the 21st and 23rd, they intensively conducted inspections of the venue and athletes' village, and thoroughly checked the preparations for the inspection of the International Technical Committee (ITC).

Additionally, on the afternoon of the 21st, FISU held a sports and venue seminar for event partners. On the 22nd, the first face-to-face meeting between FISU and Organizing Committee Chairman Kang Chang-hee was held, bringing a close cooperative relationship between the two sides in the future.

This 2nd FISU on-site inspection completed all originally planned schedules thanks to the organizing committee's systematic preparation and prompt response. Head of the FISU Summer Games Department Jing Zhao shared, “We all discussed in-depth with the organizing committee the key areas of preparation for the event. The results were all good, and I will cooperate to ensure more efficient preparations for the competition by providing faithful feedback on the organizing committee’s master plan that was discussed during the due diligence period.”

Vice Chairman Lee Chang-seop (이창섭) also stated, “The visit of the FISU inspection team was a valuable opportunity to not only inspect our preparations but also receive a lot of feedback for us to improve in the future. We will continue to thoroughly implement the preparation process and do our best to host a successful competition.”