UCLG Secretary General, Emilia, "Do my best for the remaining time of the month."
UCLG Secretary General, Emilia, "Do my best for the remaining time of the month."
  • weekly, walkintoKorea
  • 승인 2022.09.07 19:28
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Ambassador Lee Hyung-jong visits the UCLG World Bureau in Spain and met with The Secretary-General
UCLG Meeting with World Secretariat - Emelia Saiz
UCLG Meeting with World Secretariat - Emelia Saiz

Daejeon City announced on the 5th that it had dispatched Daejeon International Relations Ambassador Lee Hyung-jong to the World Secretariat in Barcelona, Spain to deliver a letter from Daejeon Mayor Lee Jang-woo to Emilia Saiz, Secretary General of the UCLG World Secretariat.

The ambassador told Emilia that as of the 5th, the total number of registered people was 1667 participants, and the number of overseas participants is 738 of 240 cities from 95 countries. It's a big increase from the number of registered people which was only 150 people accounted for the previous month.
Active efforts at the World Secretariat level are needed to expand overseas reach.
Ambassador Lee Hyung-jong said, "Daejeon Mayor Lee Jang-woo told the city and provincial governors' council he asked for attendance at the Daejeon General Assembly and made a video call with the Mayor of Brisbane, Australia.
The Daejeon Metropolitan Government's efforts are also being made to expand its own participants." he elaborated.

Daejeon General Assembly, which is in an externally unfavorable environment different from the previous General Assembly.
In order to host the event successfully, the World Secretariat has also made a special effort for the remaining month.
Emilia responded by saying, "The commotion is in place with the major mayors, through each branch, continuous encouragement and promotion through various international organizations' SNS and media channels."
"There is," she added, "according to the active request of the city of Daejeon, 300 UCLG World Board member cities and regional board cities, 7 UCLGs for the branch secretary, the Mayor of Daejeon and the world secretary-general signed a joint signature. I will send you a letter encouraging participation." 
Also, due to the obligation to test COVID-19 at other international conferences recently held, looking at the case of abandoning seats as an example, Korea abolished its duty to inspect before entering the country.
However, the inspection is maintained after entering the country for member cities in the Daejeon General Assembly.
This was pointed out as an obstacle.
Secretary-General Emilia said, “Daejeon City’s active participation in attracting participants is admirable. I was surprised at the soaring number of registrations."
During the visit to the AC (Asia-Pacific Branch) branch, she met with the regional Secretary-General, "We have discussed ways to improve local registration."
"More cities want to visit Daejeon with the UCLG because they want to experience Korean culture such as K-pop. There will be an increase in Daejeon City's visits in the following month."
She added, "To the best of our efforts, let's celebrate this amazing event in Daejeon City."

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